It's not an NFT. It's a movement.

Web3 culture has been plagued by scams and fraud. Greed is an inherent trait in all of us, and is not the fault of Web3 itself. The problem is with the people who continue to abuse it for their own personal gain.

Unfortunately, greed has now deeply-rooted itself into our culture. Removing the weeds that plague our space has been an uphill battle.

If we don't take initiative and take control of what has proven itself to be the future of finance, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes that landed us here in the first place. All currency, on a long enough time frame, goes to zero. Why accelerate it? Thanks to Web3, for the first time in the history of mankind, we have an ample say in a brighter future.

We create the rules. But the path towards decentralization is volatile.

Bad Environment Club is a shift in the culture of the future of finance. If finance dictates every aspect of our lives (which it does) we are the front runners of the culture of the future itself.

Web3 culture has the potential to be a force for good in the world. We need to create the future we'd like to live in and show the rest of the world why it matters through action, not words.

Bad Environment Club exists to reshape the cultural operating system of the masses and awaken the visionary inside of all of us.

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