💊What is Bad Environment Club?

A club of creators and visionaries that hate the status-quo.

The truth about Web3 is that mass adoption is a meme.

That's why Bad Environment Club (BEC) isn't an NFT project... It's an experimental art movement. Rather than force our ideals unto the masses, we re-package the idea of Web3 in the form of products and experiences in a unique way.

The intention is to bridge the culture and familiarize everyday consumers with the concept of blockchain technology.

For more about Our Products, read here.

People hate ✨ crypto. "It's bad for the environment."

It doesn't matter what we say.

The only viable solution is to weaponize our creativity and utilize it as our medium to deliver a message. Let's prove a point and change the world.

We live in a bubble. Let's pop it together.

Last updated